Welcome to TheRebelRefined. My name is Jezrah (she/her) and I will be your go-to guide for the journey that is finding your personal style, your signature look, your unique, sparkling billboard showing people who you are– or at least who you want them to think you are. This journey can be a long one, and oftentimes a rocky one to navigate, and so that is why I am here as your flashlight, backpack, and sustenance along this journey to provide you the tools you need to discover who you want to be.
Especially in the age of TikTok trends and influencers trying to sell you the new items you “just can’t live without” or minimalist social media gurus promoting the capsule wardrobe with just one shirt, one pants, one pair of shoes, it can be so difficult to find out what you need in your wardrobe– let alone what you even like! I have had my fair share of fashion confusion and have tried many things to get to where I am today– lots of trial and error (and embarrassing outfits that make me wish I was not born in the digital age), and through it all the only thing I got from it was my ability to formulate and decide my personal way of honing in on what really makes me feel like me. And so here I am, wanting to share my knowledge with you, in hopes that some of my neuroticism can prove helpful to someone else who may be facing the same dilemmas I have lived in many Jezrah’s past (and so I can stop reformulating and auditing my own wardrobe a billion times).
All throughout growing up and navigating my personal style, my close friends had created a little phrase for me: “It ain’t Jezrah if it ain’t extra”– and if that doesn’t define me and everything I do then I am not sure what does. So of course, not only must I formulate and categorize my love for fashion and personal style but I now must also impose it onto all of you, bringing you (drumroll please): TheRebelRefined! (hurray! queue shout and applause).
TheRebelRefined is my description of my personal style and what I aspire to achieve every time I put together an outfit and step outside– rain or shine, grocery store or formal gathering– all the way down to the undergarments (because I believe your personal style transcends just simply what you wear, even underneath what people see) in some kind of fusion of edgy pieces and textures– bold reds and black, animal print, leather, and silver hardware, with more refined, sophisticated, and chic elements and silhouettes such as lace, satin, and other feminine touches. For you it might mean something totally different and that’s okay! Luckily, the steps I have curated are those that can be applied to anyone and their preferences as they are not confined to any style and rather act as a series of questions you can ask yourself to reveal the precious gems of what reflects your own personal style.
And so every Tuesday at 4:44pm PST, I will be releasing a new post detailing topics such as how to decide on your personal branding/style and audit everything in your life to align with that version of yourself, along with other topics regarding fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and anything else that I feel might assist you on this journey to discovering who you truly are. As you follow along with me through the weeks, feel free to comment or contact us with suggestions you may have for more of my silly little blog posts because your suggestions and feedback are deeply valued. <3
Without further ado… are you ready? Cause I know I am!
Keep sparkling,